Why Americans need flags at airports

Or why you need to point out the obvious

Saw this on Reddit the other day. A great example of clear communication.

This passport check is in Canada, and they clearly point out that Americans need to take the foreigners queue. Same happens right now with British citizens and EU airports: they clearly point it out because some people were still taking the EU queues, out of habit.

The point of this is: we assume that people are rational and have all the information, but they don’t. Of course they know they’re foreigners, you would think - but people make mistakes. And that includes your customers, too.

💡 Exercise for you: give someone 5 seconds to read your website - do they get it? Give someone 5 seconds to read your social bio - do they get it? Give someone 10 seconds to try a feature in your product - do they get it? If not, then you might need to clarify the obvious.